The Reconnected to the Divine Cosmos


January 2, 3, 4 and 5, 2017
By Appointment Only – 2 Sessions for $333

Activate the Process of Increasing Your Light:
During my Canadian Tour last summer, I had the utmost deepening spiritual experience of being attuned to the ley lines of the Divine Cosmos, as defined by JJ Hurtack in The Book of Enoch, Chapter 3-1-7. This method of renewing connections of the galactic body through meridian axiatonal lines is further explained by Dr. Eric Pearl in his book, “The Reconnection” (visit YouTube and his website). I am honored to have 2 of Dr. Pearl’s Certified Foundational Practitioners of Reconnective Healing as guests in my home for the Holidays, who have agreed to offer you this opportunity only on January 2, 3, 4, and 5th. This is a two-day process (1st day, the table session lasts up to 45 minutes, the following day 90 minutes). Total Cost:  $333. Location: Goddess TOUCH Headquarters, Deerfield Beach). 
My life has changed with this profound experience. I feel I’m “more” of who “I AM”. 
Only 12 people can register due to time constraints.  Call now to guarantee your space 954-655-5490.


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