FOCUS – Let’s talk about this word which is so widely used. The more we want to use it, the less it works. What is your “intent” for the day, situation, short-term or long-term goal? How unnerving to plan ahead while we are being repeatedly told to “Be in the Present Moment”.
FOCUS is a discipline which brings us back into our present moment. Can you allow yourself to “feel” whatever is going inside at any given moment? Many of us are afraid of some emotions that may arise. We have courage and by allowing our emotions to come up, we redirect our “focus”, bringing us back into balance.
I need to share with you the Gift that I feel I gain when I focus on the present moment. I have been working on many projects simultaneously which I feel I’m sometimes on “overload”. Well, I am when the emotion comes up! I know that I am in the Ego. For me, when my subconscious tells me, “You’re late; you’re running out of time; not enough time; etc.”, this is my way to, “STOP”, take a breath, focus on what is in front of me, my intention, and most importantly, how will I feel with this successfully completed task? Bingo! I’m back feeling calm, and “focused”.
I am learning so much about myself, my thoughts, beliefs, habits, all energy which “seemed” to be important in the past. These “aha moments” come up to alert us that it’s time for change, time to let go and renew… Much of it, when it does come up can be easily identified as ‘FEAR’, ‘ANXIETY’, ‘PANIC’, any strong emotion that we really do not want to address. This can be either (1) a repressed emotion which we have hidden deep in the recesses of our being so that we could continue to survive, and/or (2) an emotion that we took on as our own, not knowing that this is energy belonging to someone else, a parent, sibling, friend, co-worker, etc., someone with whom we have identified with as similar to us or as “familiar”, in this case, a familiar negative recurring emotion. As many of us are healers, we deal with people releasing their fears and imbalances on a regular basis! Psychic Cleansing is something that I do throughout the day, becoming so sensitive to incompatible frequencies, and have noticed that different cleansing techniques work at different times. For example, remember sage was so widely used to cleanse a space? Sage blesses, however, Cedar Wood cleanses any space instantly! We tend to forget about psychic hygiene, and many times, I have remained with a physical or emotional pain until, I thought to ask, “Does this belong to me?” Just becoming of aware sometimes, the pain energy vanished!
These are trying times and yet exciting times as we experience frequent Consciousness Shifts, some shaking us to our core. Change we must…
Until next time, I wish you a Magical Fall!
Born an empath, psychic, prophetic channel, facilitator/healer and teacher, Rev. Carole’s purpose is to INTEGRATE a Direction to access High Vibrational Frequencies for Higher Consciousness growth during the shifts in the universes of duality and form. She is an ordained minister through UBM, a Reiki M/T, distributor of Young Living Oils, and Bonded Florida Notary. Carole is Founder and CEO of GODDESS T.O.U.C.H. (Transmuting Of the Universal Consciousness Heart), a unique multi-dimensional❄ technique, including DNA activation methods. She has helped hundreds of people throughout the years to find their answers, prepare for successful surgeries or for treatments, regain peace from mental and emotional imbalances, i.e. Bi-polar, help create bridges in life changes, i.e., losses, all to bring AWARENESS. (954) 655-5490.