Carole’s Energy Updated for September/October

"carole ramsay energy updates september october"

Greetings and Welcome, Friends! 

It’s time to share our Light with the World! September/October offer us insights of feminine light waves enveloping us to shift our 3D mind/ego. We are learning to disconnect our thoughts with Awareness of them. By being aware of how we think and the words we hear from our inner voice, creates the SHIFT required to be more loving and free to choose. “Awareness of self” is our big challenge right now so that we focus on being present NOW. 

Help is on the way with patience and clarity from our daily meditations, allowing us to center, align to the present now time.  What do I need to do now?  What is my next step now? Yes, we can plan and learn to change as we begin to change our priorities. Remember TIME is collapsing which means we really have less time in a day, a week, a month, etc. So, prioritize wisely and stop beating yourself up when you don’t complete your “To Do” list. SPACE is expanding which means that the dimensional aspect of Creation is easily accessible. 

Our innate spiritual gifts are growing through dreams, intuition, meditation, awareness, and much more.  One thing that is very important to clarify here are the portals, timelines, doorways, etc. are opening creating rifts in the space/time continuum. Examples of what may be experienced: Do you sometimes find yourself daydreaming about people and places you don’t know and when you come back you really feel strange? Do you feel angry or depressed upon waking? Are you have nightmares that you can’t explain?  This means that your astral body becomes “entangled” with chaotic/dark entities and/or thought forms during your sleep state or lucid dream state which you are not controlling. 

Humanity is under much stress, much more than what you hear and see on the news.  When I noticed that I was waking up with strange/abnormal thoughts, I meditated that morning with this intention and was shown  what I am sharing with you today.  In my group meditations, I now invoke higher realms of creation which works perfectly. Since my new INVOCATION with INTENTION, clarity has returned. If you or someone you know is experiencing poor sleep or lack of focus, I invite you to attend my Tuesday Guided Meditations either remotely (via Zoom at Noon) or LIVE @ 7.30 pm @ Jade Wellness, Fort Lauderdale (more information below).  It’s time to stay OUT OF FEAR. In 5D, there is no separation, We are all ONE, and thus, we need each other. 

In the coming weeks, I am so pleased to announce more Reiki classes (not just for healing), a Workshop: Welcome to Your Awakening Series, Part I -Past Lives Revealed (by knowing your former life, you heal this life), Part II -Become your Champion by travelling back in time connecting to your soulmate. 

I am so excited to announce my participation in the YOU WEALTH REVOLUTION NETWORK WORLD SUMMIT, offering sessions, free gifts, workshops and more, including a 90-minute LIVE interview with founder, Darius Barazandeh, on October 1st at 4pm (ET). Your participation is FREE by registering here now:

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